Board of Directors

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Dr. Xia JIN


Executive Director

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Xia JIN MD PhD, was Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Serum Bio Technology (STAR Market:SH688163) in Shanghai. Prior to that, he was Professor and Principal Investigator of Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center and the Director of Vaccine and Immunology Research Center of Fudan University. He was also Distinguished Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Principal Investigator and Executive Director of Vaccine Center at Institut Pasteur of Shanghai. He had been a tenure-track Assistant and Associated Professor at Rochester University, New York, USA.


He obtained a Medical Doctor degree after completion of the 8-year Curriculum at Peking Union Medical College and then a PhD degree in Life and Biomolecular Sciences from Open University under the tutelage of Professor Sir Patrick Sissons of Cambridge University Clinical School in UK. His postdoctoral training was completed with Drs. Richard A. Koup and David Da I Ho, respectively at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York.


While working in USA, he has been a Principal Investigator or Co-investigator of over research grants from NIH and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He has served as a member of numerous NIH study sections and also as international expert reviewer for Netherlands, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore research agencies. He has been the Chair (HVTN-064, HTVN-083) and Co-Chair (HTVN-063, HTVN-094) of HIV vaccines clinical trials conducted by the HVTN of NIH/NIAID in USA. He is an Academic Editor of PLoS ONE and Editorial Board Member of JAIDS. His laboratory work focuses on HIV and dengue virus immunology and vaccine development. He has published over 140 SCI papers in Science, J Exp Med, J Clin Inv, J Immunology, J Virol, J Inf Dis, AIDS, Retrovirology, Vaccine.